Blog Post Image: Review of Apple’s Mac Mini 2018 – Setup and Upgrade


  1. Bob Sherman - Reply

    I currently have a dying Mac mini 2014 version. I can buy a 2018 version but it seems that most if not all of my present inputs are usb, not thunderbolt. what is the option, the least expensive option, to adapt my usb plugs to the 2018? I notice that one of the usb plugs says SS. That’s the one that powers a 4 slot hub. Keep it simple. I’m an old Luddite.

    • Discman - Reply

      Hi, if you don’t have any high-speed devices to be connected to, eg storage devices for video streaming, actually any USB hubs will do fine. The “SS” sign on the USB plug stands for “SuperSpeed” which has a higher transfer rate than the normal USB A standards. I’m using this as it allows me to connect an external SSD and also looks good with my existing Mac Mini. Hope this helps.

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